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Seeking the lost in this earth to plant a seed of righteousness in their heart...Where God will save them before it is everlasting to late in life......
Seek God while he may be found for today is the day of salvation ......
for tomorrow might be to late....Pray for peace in this world .....
love God with all your heart and souls.....
love your enimies and bless them..
judge not that ye may not be judged
blessed are those who seek the Lord daily in life.
Search for the truth in all you do...
For holy is my king look unto the skies for the kingdom of God is near..
pray for me, that i can reach out to the lost of this world......Let us be faithful in all we do.
How Can I Make Money From Blogging?
*Own Your Own Home In Spite Of Bad Credit*
"How can people with bad credit buy a home?" Many of us have asked that
question, especially when we find out th...
Your AdSense 2022 holiday checklist
The 2022 AdSense holiday season checklist is here to help you get your site
and content ready for the busiest time of year.
An invitation to #ComedyFest (BYOB)
This week Twitter is turning into a comedy club, and you’ve got the best
seats in the house, all for the price of free. We’re not saying that
enjoying your...
When you do something do it for God.all else will fall into place
Insparation to beleive in!!!
When all eles seems to fail turn to God he will show you the way!!!beleave in yourself:most importain beleive in God.For he so loved the world he gave his only beggoton son that who should beleive in him would not parrish but have everlasting life........ beleive in all that you do and put your faith in God!!!for threw faith you will see your savour in christ hold your head up and pray,,,,,,,for peace,,,,,,,,for hope,,,,,,,,,,,,,salvation,,,,,,,,,,,,,and each other ,,,,,,,,,,,,put God first!!!!!!!!! sincerly kevin
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