- From Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy,
For Trent and Emily and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
....This nation shall be shaken to its core, says the Lord God of
Hosts! For the time has come for these insolent children to be shaken,
a great awakening...even these among the churches, who do walk blindly
in the dark, saying they are in the light. And when all these things
begin to happen, even as they are written in the Volumes and the
Scriptures of Truth...then they will KNOW a prophet had been among
....Trent, listen and hear Me...do not stifle My voice in you, but
listen, for you also must hear, My son. The time is at hand when you
must also work. The time is at hand...the time is at hand.
....My son, when you have returned home, go and pray and kneel, and
lie at My feet, and know I am with you. Go and let go of your will, and
of all these things you count to yourself as unworthy, for whom I have
cleansed is worthy of all I shall bestow upon them. Therefore, have
peace, and know I am your Lord. I have cast all these sins far away
from you, never to be remembered again. Take all that is of burden to
you, and lay it at My feet. Leave it there, and go away in
freedom...without hindrance, with joy in your heart...knowing, and in
belief that, if all these things you possess were taken, you would be
richer in the lack...
TRUST in Me...trust of such a kind you will not find in your fellows...complete.
Abide in My love, then you shall behold My glory and arise as
one in whom I am well pleased, one filled with the Spirit...a soldier
of God, a fearless lion...gentle as a lamb...the boldness of which only
God can give and is in Me.
....Be still now, My son. Be still now, My beloved daughter.
....You already know Me and have received of Me. Yet the gift, of
which you have not yet known, is also yours and will be manifest to the
Glory of the Father. And by this shall many grasp your hands, and you
shall place their hands in Mine, and I shall take them...and they shall
be no more in the earth. This is My command, as I have received of My
Father, that I call upon My elect, and they go out in My name, and
gather up all those who have been trampled of the world, and uplift and
uphold. The harvest is ripe, and I shall harvest My own, even all these
who I see of Myself in them.
....The Time is at hand...
....Believe My Word through My servant. Count not according to men,
but according to the Truth. Trust not in man’s devices...trust in Me
and those times and seasons that are set within Mine own power of the
I am come and will gather and return in My glory!
Today, let it be counted.
For today begins that which the Lord God of Heaven and earth
had declared from the beginning, that it should come.
Today is the day...stand up and be counted!
For today is the season foreordained that it should come...
today is the beginning of the end,
until the New Day come, which is without end...
One thousand years and forever.
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