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Unto us it is giving to know the mystery of my Father's Kingdom to be revealed unto man.for his kingdom is within us to serve and love God to put him above us.For we are But a vapor;were here today and gown tomorrow,like the wind we are blown away,Unto dust shall our body return,but our spirit shalt take to the sky into the light..
In Heaven and in the earth,blood,and fire,and pillars of smoke;the sun shall be turned into darkness,and the moon into blood;before the great and terrible day of the Lord cometh,and it shall come to pass,that,whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved and delivered unto God,for in mt.Zion and Jerusalem shall be deliverance ,as the Lord has said,and in the remnant when the Lord Calls you.
Christian Glitter by
For in this day shall the heavens open, and his glory is revealed.Sow unto yourselfs in righteousness ,reap in mercy,For now is the time to seek the lord;Until he returns and rains righteousness upon you,and the earth and all thereof .
Let us seek him while he is near,before it is everlasting to late !!Though my people are bent to back-sliding from me;though they called him the most high none;'not 1 would exalt him .
Come and let us return unto the Lord and give unto him,our heart of mercy and truth,and he will heal us for ever more,for i desire mercy ,and not sacrifice,we wish to know your knowledge and thine wisdom,'O' Lord!
This is the burden of the word that come alive;for as the kingdom of heaven is coming the kingdom of God is at hand;I pray O Lord let us prepare thy way unto our Heavenly home beyond the sky.
As John was the voice that cried out from the wilderness preprare thee thy way of the coming of the Lord,So must I!Of his Majesty our King of Glory,for I Am everything
and everywhere,In all therof,and therein.for it is I whom seek ye in the day of my coming.
For i come to pour out upon you my righteousness,for i come quickly to take thee away.Then the son of man shall send forth his angels,and they shall gather out all things that offend,and them which do iniquity,and shall cast them into the furnace of fire ,there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Then shall my righteousness shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of my Father.Who have an ear let him hear,who have an eye let him see.For it is by the Lords mercy we are not consumed ;for his compassion fail not until the end of time,I am with YOU!
"The Messenger of the Divine" 2 Pages of my 2nd book,Gods word written by my hands,by his grace was i able to wright these things unto you!!!Yes You!!
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