Enjoy the tranquility, peace and, relaxation provided by the pure white light take a deep breath, and give an audible sigh as you exhale. Breath in the spirit of life divine sent from God our Father! Let us lend a hand to those in need that they to may enjoy the moment with God as we exalt the Most High with phrase and worship for He alone deserves it…
Message to the lost of the world; come broken, bruised, battered and afflicted. Come poor and rich, meek-n-lowly unto the righteous one in GOD! Who laid his life down on an old rugged cross, He who became flesh? Seeing all my sin, said that you and I may go free. "Praise the Lord!" Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever, and ever does it endure. Who can list the glorious miracles of the Lord while here on this earth? Who can ever praise him enough for all He has done? There is joy for those who deal justly with others and always do what is right in the eyes of our Maker.
Remember me, "O' Lord", when you show favors to your people; come near and rescue me from my foes. Let me share in the prosperity of your chosen ones. Let me rejoice in the joy of your people; let me praise you with those who are your heritage. Like our ancestors, we have all sinned and came up short. We have all done wrong any many ways!
We have acted wickedly in the flesh our ancestors in Egypt were not impressed by the Lord’s great wonders, all of His Great deeds and all the blessings he gave them. They soon forgot his many acts of kindness and grace He Gave unto them. Instead, they rebelled against God at the Red Sea. Even so, He saved them to defend his name and to demonstrate His mighty power and love that He had for them.
As God commanded, the Red Sea to dry up He parted the waters so that they may cross. He led the His Children across the red sea, as if it were a desert highway paved by His Hand. He rescued them from their enemies and redeemed them from their foes. Then He sent the water to swallow them up and killed their enemies; not one of them survived. God is pure power; the earth obeys His every command! Why? Because our God made this planet and everything you see is He! That is why mother earth knows her maker…
Then his people believed in his promises”. They sang, exalted him on high and praised his holy name! Nevertheless, how quickly they “forgot” what he had done! They would not wait for his counsel or his words! In the wilderness their desires ran wild, testing God’s patience, in that dry wasteland. So he gave them what they asked for, but he sent a plague along with it. The people in the camp were jealous of Moses and envious of Aaron, the Lord’s holy priest and prophets.
"Because of this, the earth opened up”; it swallowed Dathan, buried Abiram and the other rebels that rose against God. Fire fell upon their followers; a flame consumed the wicked and the unjust. The people made a calf a graven image at Mount Sinai; they bowed before an image made of gold. They traded their glorious God who just saved them and gave glory to a statue of a bull. They soon forgot what God had done for them, their Savior, who had done such great things in Egypt such wonderful things in the land of Ham, such awesome deeds at the Red Sea.
They were foolish in their desires they had freedom just to lose it. So he declared he would destroy them”. However, “Moses”, his chosen one, stepped between our Lord and thy God and the Hebrew people.
Moses asked him to turn from his anger and not destroy them. The people refused to enter the pleasant land, for they would not believe his promise to care for them. Instead, they plotted in their tents and refused to obey the word of the Lord thy God. Therefore, he said that he would kill them in the wilderness; he would scatter their descendants among all the nations of the world.
Then our ancestors joined in the worship of Baal”, who was a fallen angel of God, like are many of the so-called gods her on this earth. They angered the Lord with all these things. Therefore, a plague broke out among them, but “Phinehas” had the courage to intervene between God and man. The plague was stopped. So he is regarded as a righteous and just man ever since that time and forever more.
Let all that I am praise the Lord. 'O' Lord my God, how great thou are! You are robed with honor and majesty, my King, and Father. You are dressed in a robe of light and darkness that cannot hide from your face. You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens; you make the clouds your chariot; you ride upon the wings of the wind. The winds are your messengers; flames of fire are your true servants that you sent from above: by you, 'O' Lord.
You placed the world on its foundation, so it would never be moved. You clothed the earth with floods of water, and the water that covered even the mountains tops, all at the command of your voice. The water fled at the sound of your voice as thunder, and as the lighting flashed before you; they all obeyed your command." For though you may be in the valley. God is still with you all the way.
Then you set a boundary for the seas”; they would never again cover the earth. You made rain to pour out of heaven so the springs would pour water into the ravines and the streams would gush down from the mountains, providing water for all the animals, to quench their thirst. The birds nest beside the streams and sing among the branches of the trees to you "O" Lord, for they know You.
You send rain on the mountains” from your “heavenly home”. You fill the earth with the fruit of your labor. It is shown in all the earth and the heavens! You allow them to produce food from the earth that we hunger not. You give us wine to make us thirst not, olive oil to soothe our skin, bread to give us strength, and air to give us life. The trees and plants of the Lord are well cared for that you plant.
You made the moon to mark the seasons and the sun knows when to set. You sent the darkness, and it became night 'O' Lord! What a variety of things you have made. All by your word and knowledge were they formed at your command, by your “Divine Word”!
In wisdom, you have made all things.
Your knowledge is endless 'O' Lord! The earth is full of your creations, as the skies and the clouds. In them, like the ocean, full with life of every kind, both large and small. But, if you turn away from them, they are scared and panic; they know not what to do 'O' Lord. When you take away their breath, they die and turn again to dust, to the ground they return. When you give them your breath, life is created.
You multiply us upon the face of the earth to grow in abundance and replenish the earth, in all her glory. May the glory of the Lord continue forever?" The Lord takes pleasure in all he has made! The earth trembles at your glance! The mountains smoke and melt by your touch!
I will sing to the Lord as long as I live! I will praise my God to my last breath! May all my thoughts be pleasing to Him, for I rejoice in the Lord! Let all sinners vanish from the face of the earth; let the wicked disappear forever more, with sin removed.
The stairway to heaven is here before you come, unto the light of the Lamb of God. The Lord chose you to become one of Gods sanctified ones. We should be holy and true to the faith, that is the Lord. That we may endure here for a while. Latter we may rejoice with the saint of old and our families. They in who has gone before us! Give hope to those who are shrouded in darkness; that they too may find themselves with God on the day of his coming. The day of salvation is here before you, the time to act upon it is now!
The stairway to the other detentions will open up a portal to another world. Its only open to those whose name Is found in the book of Life. Humans try to advance our knowledge God knowledge is endless! That a book of earthly size is even close See the true God; well he is everything it would be endless, larger than the universes. His true shape cannot be witness He is Everything, Angel, demons, Water air, the planets, solar system, the suns, everything we were made for His pleasure.
Let us seek God; while he is near, learning the values of, life that we may understand fully the concepts; that is here before to understand that the enemies are invisible? What is to come for I am a prisoner of My Lord; His work is brought before you in this book the years of dedication that I have put here before you to show you the perceptions of Gods and the vision.
He has lain before me; to teach you of the books of life. His ways are to open the eyes of the faithful and sinful alike to put together a gospel of truth and understanding; for the world has turned a deaf ear unto Him.
We are truly blind to what we can’t see, They walk among us. They are fighting a war that cannot be seen with human eyes we are not able to take the veils from our eyes that we may become vision aeries of God to teach you more than what was written to show you truth in Gods way that you might understand our faith is not of this world and nether am I for My soul also belongs in the Heavens with My Lord . Foolish earthly people the truth shall stand when the earth is on fire. As it was written in the days of old; about the faithful ones the true at heart that is what we must become.
(Matthew 3:1-3NIV) In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”. For this is he who was spoken of by the 'prophet’’ Isaiah; when he said, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight." "I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to lace; Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire from above." Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John.
(Matthew 3:16-17NIV) In addition, when Jesus was baptized, he went up immediately from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and alighting on him; and lo, a voice from heaven, saying, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light and for those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned."
"From that time, Jesus began to preach, saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”." As he walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. He said to them, "Follow me”, and I will make you 'fishers of men'”. Immediately, they left their nets and followed him.
(John 14:23NIV)Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves me he will keep 'my word', and My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him".
(John 14:21NIV)"Whosoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I, too, will love him and show myself to him."
(Revelation 3:20NIV)"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."
The individual human "spirit” is a deeply situated aspect of the soul subject to "spiritual" growth and change; the very seat of emotion and desire, and the transmitting organ by which humans can contact God. In a rare theological definition, it consists of higher consciousness enclosing the soul to God.
Now is come my time to be strong, to show who I truly am! For come from afar; wishing upon a star riding upon the wind of space and time, sailing through the sky for God's holy light to be brought into thy sight, for as the wind blows.
Where does it lesions, Let us be blessed by Gods sight. Be thou strong and of true courage; let us seek His glory from untold stories from above, of Heavens delight. Reach unto the stars and be known of him; hold on! For life is about to pass, you as a whirlwind of time travel, from different demotion. Of space and time; God gave us control we are the watcher. What truly is time, it’s like a dust of the wind we blow away dust do we return.
‘O' how great thou are; Your Glory fills the heavens! Let us pray that we shall soon take flight unto a land, where the milk and honey flows. Now shall we gather around God's holy throne! Bow before the one who lives in us. 'O' Father, Your majesty, my King, our God, for He is the self-existing one who inherits eternity. By His word was the world formed. You are the everlasting light and a banner of hope of our salvation, our peace and our joy...
When anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. For once, you were in darkness and many times you might stubble pick yourself but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light, for the fruit of light is found in all that is good, right, and true. Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. Love one another. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is a shame even to speak of the things they do in secret; for you know them all, Lord!
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. He destined us in love to be his sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will! IN you one who finds true love let them bind it around their necks. There I seven heavens when you are their it will be as if you’re a free spirit; that has no boundaries.
“Come all ye unto the waters”; for if ye drank of this water ye shall thirst no more! Salvation, 'O' how great thou are: beneath Thou Grace to SAVE ME and YOU! My heart pours, like the rivers of your mercies, unto my soul. Let us walk by faith. Let us seek that which is Holy...Oh, you did not know. Now may you come unto me? For my blood shall pass through thine heart unto me, like a river that never stops flowing!
(1 Peter 1:2-14NIV) Chosen and destined by God the Father and sanctified by the Spirit for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood: May grace and peace be multiplied to you. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By His great mercy, we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and to an inheritance, which is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you.
Who by God's power are guarded through faith for a salvation, ready to be revealed in the last days of the Earth? In this, you rejoice, for it is our hope, though now for a little, while you may have to suffer various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold which though perishable is tested by fire, may rebound to praise, glory and honor at the revelation of Christ, for an everlasting hope.
Without having seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him rejoicing with unutterable and exalted joy. As the outcome of your faith, you obtain the salvation of your souls.
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