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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

Praise God. You are invited to JOIN my GROUP:


The purpose of the group is to gather as many ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ together, as possible, for networking. Right now there are literally hundreds of ministers scattered throughout MySpace. What if we had a way of knowing who we all are, where each is located, what each individual's ministry is (via their MS page)? We would be better able to fellowship and network city to city and state to state. It's sort of like forming a directory of ministers for contact, brainstorming, encouragement, advice, etc. This is the purpose of my forming this group, so we as ministers can become familiar with each other no matter where we are located or the size of our ministry. My desire and prayer is that you will join. God bless you in your decision.

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