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Monday, August 10, 2009


The everlasting gospel is about to be unleashed upon the earth are you ready?Today is the day of salvation tommoro may be too late;see the everlasting gospel is not for salvation ;'but'JUDGMENT' unto the world.
for the days of salvation are gone.prepare ye the way of the lord;for truly he cometh;with all his angels before him and they shalt be like David,and the house of David,and the house of David shalt be as GOD;for he shall come like a cloud that covers the land;in an twinkle of an eye we shall dissapper before your eyes;
awake all ye heathan's of the world for you maker cometh.for we have lived our life like a tale that was told.Repent 'O'world before it is everlasting to late.for i John saw an angel in heaven with a book carring the everlasting gospel to preach unto the world in that hour cometh the JUDGEMENT OF THE EARTH.
look unto the skies for our father"GOD"returneth Are you ready ?Pray for peace around the world,love even your enemies , bless those who curse you!

proverbs 22:1 tells us that, “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.”

Most of us go through life not realizing that the things we say and the things we do are what speaks of who we are. We can say anything out of our mouths about ourselves, but the truth will be told when our actions either, testify for us, or testify against us. How many times have we heard great promises from politicians and leaders, only to see in time that nothing ever came of them?

We all have our shortcomings, weaknesses and fears that make it almost impossible to live up to everything that we speak. But we must understand that there is someone relying on what we say to be backed up by our actions. Children rely on parents. Husbands rely on wives and wives rely on husbands. Employers rely on employees. Every citizen relies on each other to make up a society.

When Jesus walked the earth, His testimony was that He lived according to righteousness, going about doing good wherever He went, to the extent that, “he was a man approved of God” (Acts 2:22). He never lied to anyone, never cheated anyone, never misled anyone, and never deceived anyone. He had a clear conscience towards both people, and God. This was His irrefutable testimony.

We are all called of God to be living testimonies here on earth. To our loved ones, our families, our friends, our neighbors, even to strangers. Our testimony in life is not only what we say, but also even more so what we do.


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